Let them die, because they are Muslims!

by - November 05, 2017

94,486 lives lost, in which 7099 are custodial killings, leaving 22,859 women widowed with 107,666 children orphaned, because they wanted freedom.
Pallet Gun victim Kashmiri Since 1947, the people of Jammu and Kashmir are resisting oppression, brutal torture, rapes and extermination. Their only slogan is #Freedom their only motto is #Freedom and this has never changed in entirety of their history. More than 10,987 women have been gang-raped by Indian Military till date.
58 women were gang-raped in June only. The situation for women is worst in Kashmir, India which is notorious for rapes and gang-rapes, uses its state power and army for this.

Pallet Gun victim Kashmiri

It’s not just the rapes, the Indian Occupying Army uses Pallet-Guns on women and children, blinding them and disabling them for life. The eyes meant to read are destined to go dark.
From July 8, 2017 to June 2017, many youths lost their eyes while dreaming for freedom, more than 67 of them lost their eyes, never to see again, never to feel light again and never to admire colors again.

Pallet Gun victim Kashmir

The Indian Occupying Army torched hoses, shops and religious places of Muslims, Sikhs and Christians alike. 108,206 houses buildings have been demolished and destroyed rendering unusable.
Many resolutions have been passed in and by United Nations, many a times world has unseen the seen. After so many years of occupation, the Kashmiris see no hope from United Nations, their blood goes unnoticed and their cries unheard.
Pallet Gun victim Kashmir
Is this because Kashmir has no oil? Is this because they are Muslims? Is this because India and Israel are lovers?

Because you have relations with Israel and United States means you can kill people?

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