Jinnah and his Pakistan

by - August 14, 2017

What did come into being on August 14, 1947? Most will say Pakistan!
Which Pakistan?
There were two Pakistans, one that people sought, struggled for, laid down their lives and eventually  achieved.
The other Pakistan, that elite persued and hence achieved.
One that Jinnah stood for and the one which the people lost.
One that religious zeal achieved and other that Islamists lost.
One that Musharaf wanted and other that Zia formed.
One that PMLN, PPP and JI shaped and the other that PTI and PAT (claim to)  want.
The one looted by all and the other people sought!
Which Pakistan?  I do ask!
The ideological Pakistan had the foundations on supermacy of people's law,  and ruled by Koran's dictate,  "For you is your way,  for me mine. " [Surah Kafirun]
Time went on and the word Kafirun, plural of Kafir became the symbol of hate,  eradication and intolerance.
Kafir was a person who saw all,  learned all and still out of ego and hate denied the truth. Yet he was tolerated and given freedom of life.
Kafir then became a person worth killing.
Today,  there are three common factions of people based upon Pakistan and its ideology.
First is of the people who think and believe that Pakistan was formed for Islam and Muslims,  other stress that its formation is for secular society and the third of those who dont care about when,  why and for whom it was created. 
Of the first two, the former and the latter are products of extremism of each other.
They are reciprocals of each other,  working on extremes to outlaw the other side.
Who is right?  And who is wrong?  Either question opens door for isolation, egoism and hence racism.
Its true that Pakistan was formed for Islam,  but Imam Hussain's Islam,  not Yazid's! 
The former is what taught and practiced by Prophet PBUH himself. And the latter brought terrorism and destruction to the house of Islam,  ironically in the name of Islam itself.
hence both are right and wrong depending upon which Islam you follow,  Yazid's or Prophet's!
Now about minority faction, those who form the fourth and often overlooked faction.
People who are reciprocal of third faction. These are the people who deeply think and care about when,  why, how and for whom it was created.
One member of this fourth,  in-minority faction is Muhammad Ali Jinnah!

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